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St. Louis Paternity Lawyer

How To Establish Paternity In Missouri?

Establishing paternity in the state of Missouri is most often done at the hospital when a child is born. Both the mother and father sign an affidavit stating that they are the parents of the child. Legal guardianship is generally granted to the two parties at signing. However, if no affidavit is signed at the hospital, it is not too late to establish legal paternity of a child. A simple DNA test can be done to establish the genetic patterns in the child and father. If a 98 percent match is found, the state of Missouri recognizes that individual as the father of the child.

Call a St. Louis Paternity Lawyer Now

If you are trying to establish paternity, or have been served with a summon in a paternity lawsuit, the St. Louis family law attorneys at TdD Attorneys at Law LLC understand the laws of paternity and can help fight for your rights. Paternity judgments can have a lasting effect on your family and your finances. Don’t leave this to chance. Contact our team at (314) 276-1318. You can also reach us online.