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St. Louis Homeowners Association Lawyer

First, what is a homeowners association or HOA? Unlike condominium associations that are legal entities guided by Missouri Revised Statutes Chapter 448, HOAs are simply a group of real estate property owners organized to maintain a common standard for the appearance of properties within the HOA and to collect dues and pay bills associated with the maintenance of common neighborhood features.

Missouri HOA Features

These features usually include a private street, neighborhood entry markers and neighborhood pools. A homeowners association functions similarly to neighborhood indentures. No matter what questions you have regarding HOAs, reach out to our lawyers at TdD Attorneys at Law LLC for answers. Legal services that our St. Louis real estate attorneys provide regarding HOAs include:

  • Forming the homeowners association, which can be unincorporated or incorporated under Section 355-025.1 of the Missouri Revised Statutes
  • Drafting the homeowners association bylaws or indentures
  • Amending the HOA bylaws or indentures
  • Enforcing or defending against HOA restrictions or HOA covenants — often an issue with landscaping, a fence or a pool
  • Collecting unpaid homeowners association dues or assessments
  • Addressing boundary disputes concerning common ground
  • Dealing with a problem property owner
  • Defending a homeowner against a homeowners association
  • Advising homeowners associations related to foreclosures
  • Advising potential buyers regarding the bylaws or indentures

Our St. Louis Homeowners Association Lawyer Can Help You

For guidance through any homeowners association matter, contact attorney Ted Disabato at (314) 276-1318. Our team is fully prepared to answer any questions you may have and guide you to a resolution.