Guiding people through the probate process in Missouri
Everyone in Missouri will lose family members throughout their lives. The family members of the deceased will leave a lot of memories for their loved ones. They will also leave all of their property. This property will be given to people who were left for family members and friends either in a will or...
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Common title defects to be aware of when purchasing a home
Buying a home is a very important time in many people’s lives in Missouri. It is a major purchase and a lot of thought needs to go into the decision. People may look at many, many homes prior to deciding the best one to purchase. There are many different aspects that people are looking...
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Important considerations for wills in blended families
There are several things parties must do when blending a family. Planning for the future is one. If you have a blended family, you should consider updating or creating a proper estate plan in St. Louis. In preparation, consider a few important items. Designated beneficiaries After any life change, especially divorce, it is important...
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