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Legal Resolutions for Your Real Estate Needs

The role of contingencies in a residential purchase agreement

Posted on August 16, 2018
Most Missouri parents have attached contingencies to permitting their children to do what they want. For example, a parent may allow a child to watch cartoons if the child first makes their bed and washes the dishes. Contingencies exist in the workforce, too. A prospective employee may get a job offer that is contingent...
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Small estates have shortened probate procedures

Posted on August 8, 2018
Probate is usually necessary if a person has died and left property in his or her name or if the deceased person held rights to receive property. However, in Missouri, small estates may qualify for a simplified process that bypasses regular probate procedures.If applicable, the following small estate procedures may be more quickly and...
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Estate planning helps solve friction in the family

Posted on August 6, 2018
For some people, being independent and going through life alone is no big deal. No matter how big and scary the world gets, they are fine. For others, they need a little help. That help may come from a secret weapon, their family. It is a natural wonder just how important family can be...
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