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Legal Resolutions for Your Real Estate Needs

What Is a Partition Action?

Posted on December 15, 2023
A partition action is a lawsuit that can be filed to divide or sell a property by court order when it is owned by more than one person who have agreed to fair and equitable division of the property. A partition suit may be necessary to resolve a legal dispute regarding shared property, such...
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What Is the Redemption Period for Tax Sales in Missouri?

Posted on December 1, 2023
Homeowners in Missouri are required to pay property taxes. If someone is delinquent in a property tax obligation, meaning they have fallen behind on payments, they will most likely have a redemption period of up to one year to pay what is owed before the title of the home is transferred to the highest...
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How Does a Tax Sale Work in Missouri? 

Posted on November 24, 2023
If you have received notice that your real property taxes are delinquent, it is important you take swift legal action to preserve your rights and prevent your property from being sold during a tax sale. The experienced real estate tax sale attorneys at TdD Attorneys at Law can review your situation and help you...
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