What is an affidavit of heir ownership?
Estate planning is a necessary part of life. A properly executed estate plan allows you to direct that the beneficiaries of your choice receive the assets you want them to and avoid probate at the same time. However, not everyone does an estate plan prior to their death. If an individual died without a...
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Essential guide: how to fight your home assessment in 2021
Home values have been going up across the country, causing rising property taxes. As a result, many people have received a home assessment with a much higher value than they were expecting. That's particularly true in the St. Louis area, where in 2017, one-third of properties increased in assessed value. In 2021 I would...
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Do I need to hire a probate attorney in St. Louis?
Have you recently had a loved one pass away? Are you struggling with navigating the complicated world of estate planning or probate?You should consider hiring a probate lawyer to help out.Let's go through your options when it comes to hiring a probate attorney in St. Louis.Understanding the Will or Estate Plan ProblemDid you know...
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