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Legal Resolutions for Your Real Estate Needs

What is a quit claim deed? the complete guide

Posted on April 29, 2020
"Bring a pen and be prepared to get a cramp in your hand!" This advice from a real estate agent might sound a little facetious, but it's not too far off from the truth. There is a lot of paperwork involved in a real estate transaction. In the midst of all this paperwork, there...
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How to force a sale when other people share ownership of the house

Posted on April 2, 2020
As a homeowner, you can decide to sell your home at any time. However, if you own a property with someone else, you can’t sell that property without consent from the other owner or owners. You can probably imagine that co-ownership of property is an issue if the owners don’t agree about selling. In...
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Why hire an attorney for fsbo home sales

Posted on April 1, 2020
For most people, a home is the biggest ticket item they’ll ever sell. While most people choose to work with a listing agent, some people choose to sell their homes themselves. Whether the reason is to avoid the cost of a listing agent’s commission or to have control over the marketing and the negotiations,...
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