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Legal Resolutions for Your Real Estate Needs

When is the right time to call a personal injury lawyer?

Posted on September 25, 2020
In 2018, 46.5 million people suffered preventable injuries that needed medical assistance. Meaning, their injuries were severe enough to warrant a trip to the ED, hospital, or clinic. Unfortunately, many of these incidents are a result of someone else's actions. In other cases, these injuries stem from another person's inaction. Either way, if another...
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10 expert tips for increasing property value

Posted on September 21, 2020
In 2019, US consumers spent a staggering $20,679 on housing-related expenditures. This shows an increase of 2.9%, or almost $600, from the year before. It also includes expenses for maintenance and repairs, but not home improvements. During the same year, experts forecasted a 2.6% spike in remodeling expenditures. This would apply to the first...
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Probate 101: what everyone should know about probate

Posted on August 25, 2020
In St. Louis, MO, court filing fees for an affidavit of collection for a small estate can cost $110.50 to $116.50. On top of that is a $6.50 charge for a certified copy of the legal document.That's already a lot of money, but it's only one of the many other costs related to a...
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