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Legal Resolutions for Your Real Estate Needs

Important considerations for wills in blended families

Posted on March 8, 2019
There are several things parties must do when blending a family. Planning for the future is one. If you have a blended family, you should consider updating or creating a proper estate plan in St. Louis. In preparation, consider a few important items. Designated beneficiaries After any life change, especially divorce, it is important...
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Importance of updating estate plan after a divorce

Posted on February 28, 2019
There are many changes that people in Missouri need to work through after a divorce. Separating one shared life into two separate lives is not always an easy task. Homes are separated; time with children is separated; bank, retirement and investment accounts need to be separated and other aspects of their lives need to...
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Time limitations for creditors to file claim against an estate

Posted on February 14, 2019
During people’s lives in Missouri they do many different things, work many different jobs, earn different amounts of money and incur different amounts debt. All of things are very relevant to the person while they are living, but they cannot take any of these things with them after they pass away. So, all of...
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