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Legal Resolutions for Your Real Estate Needs

Definitions of important estate planning terms

Posted on February 6, 2019
Estate planning can be a complex undertaking. Dealing with all your assets and family affairs may seem intimidating. Creating and managing an estate plan in St. Louis is especially difficult when there are so many terms that are hard to understand. Thankfully, some simple explanations can diffuse the confusion and help you understand the intricacies...
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Importance of co-tenancy provisions in commercial leases

Posted on February 1, 2019
There are many different businesses in Missouri that provide a number of different services and products. Some of them are small and some of them are very large. While some are able to operate out of their homes, most businesses have office space or rent spaces for retail. When these companies rent spaces they...
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How to distribute assets in a will

Posted on January 23, 2019
When it comes to writing an estate plan, you need to decide who your beneficiaries will be. For most people, this will be children, but you may also decide to leave money and items to nieces, nephews, cousins and close friends. Generally, it is easy to split financial assets. You can leave behind an...
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