Selling your home in St. Louis, Missouri
According to the National Association of Realtors, Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, almost all buyers use the internet to search for their home. That statistic shows the importance of utilizing technology to market your home for sale and ensure the greatest number of potential buyers that fit your home’s style, layout and price range see your home. Our office invests in the latest technology and strategic technology partners to ensure your home is visible high in the search list of the websites buyers search most.
Correctly Pricing Your Home For Sale
Our real estate agents will evaluate the market to ensure your home is priced in a range where it will sell based on the surrounding homes. However, there’s now more to pricing a home. The old theory is to price your home with nines, $299,990 for example. However, what does that eliminate in today’s market? It eliminates potential buyers who have set their internet search criteria to $300,000 to $350,000. Statistically, a buyer who has found a home at the bottom of their price range will negotiate far less than a buyer who has found a home at the top of their price range — so who would you rather sell to?
Selling Your Home
If you are considering selling your home and want to understand the process, stick to government resources and national trade organizations. Any real estate company’s website, for example, Zillow, Redfin, are designed to market to potential customers. Follow this link for information on Selling a Home from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). We want you to see the VALUE in working with our realtors, and believe the more you know, the more you will like working with us.
Tax Issue From Selling Real Estate
Real estate agents are not accountants, nor should they advise you on tax matters. That being said, a real estate professional should be familiar with all aspects surrounding a real estate transaction. Would you appreciate if your real estate agent raised matters to your attention that could help your CPA save you thousands of dollars at tax time? Most people only have a tax preparer, not a tax planner. Most tax preparers ask a standard set of questions designed to catch any available deductions, but many deductions are often missed. Just as an example, if you paid points in the refinance of your home, you may be missing out on a significant deduction if you sell your home and no one brings to your attention that you may be able to fully deduct the points paid in the refinance. If your real estate agent didn’t ask, you may want to look for another agent.
Contact Our St. Louis Realtors Today
From the office in St. Louis, TdD Attorneys at Law LLC represent clients in communities throughout the metropolitan St. Louis area. Contact attorney Ted Disabato at (314) 276-1318 to schedule an initial consultation with an experienced St. Louis real estate agent.
IRS Circular 230 Disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the Internal Revenue Service, any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this communication is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.